I’m about to publish my first book!
Gathering, Homespun Essays from Beech Tree Lane will become available on Sept. 17… AYEE! You will be able to buy it online through Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other sites. Searching my name or the book’s name will, if all goes well, bring up the book. Sept. 17. Fifteen days.

I hope you’ll buy it, read it, enjoy it, tell others about it, and then buy another one to give to someone who will also read it, enjoy it, tell others about it, and buy one to give away to someone who will … you get the drift.
Why should you bother to spend your money and time reading Gathering? You mean besides the fact that this terrific literary work will change your life? Okay, maybe it won’t drastically change your life, but I wrote it to make you a little happier by entertaining and inspiring you for a moment. We can all use a little more joy in our down-time, right?
Gathering is a collection of 49 short essays that only take minutes to digest. Each essay is followed by a couple of questions to cause us to reflect on what we read. These questions are followed by a photograph to remind us about the world around us, you know, where we gather. Gathering will also make you a little sad, by urging you to remember the people who come, and go, in our lives. Gathering will offer you encouragement to do what you have to do, with what you have, right where you are, wherever you gather.
Gathering, and the other Homespun Essays from Beech Tree Lane, to come in future books in this series, would never have seen the light of day if not for the support of my family, my writing and critique partners, and Bublish, Inc., which offers a platform of publishing services from its Mount Pleasant office (shameless plug). Thank you one and all. Really.
Thank you for putting up with me and my words. Every day.